9 thoughts on “Woodford control tower”

  1. This image looks to be around the time that the operations were terminated and before the builders moved in. As a guess, I would say around 2010 but time slips by!! Jeff D

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    1. Jeff, Thanks for this. My Dad knew Woodford through his work (for Westland Group) and he and I both knew Harry Holmes who became the site’s historian. Do you by any chance know Harry Holmes? I lost touch with him recently and I fear we may have lost him?


      1. Nice to hear from you Ray. The desk was certainly an improvement over the previous items.


    1. Probably 2000s maybe after closure. the tower remained in that state for a while after the BAe factory was demolished . The demolition team saw radiation symbols on the radar transmitter and avoided the place .I think someone from Warton came and removed the offending component. The tower and radar were then bulldozed flat,


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