EGPI Islay

tower runway 32

atcstaff 4_3

photos via Avril Hardie


via Barry Davidson

from Chris Stock who entitled them “HRH Last flight as a pilot!”

146 Islay 1146 Islay

Sunderland II RAF 246Sqn C W6058 beached at Laggan Bay

4 thoughts on “EGPI Islay”

  1. In case your wondering why there’s an RAF fire appliance in attendance the reason is this.

    The RAF had (still has perhaps?) a pool of appliances and they are sent to airfields such as Islay when the level of fire cover isn’t deemed sufficient for Royal Flights. The pool is also used for other tasks.


    1. Prince Charles did the RAF pilots course, 145 hours on JPs. He then did no other flying training. He did want to stay in the RAF, but it had been decided, mainly by Mountbatten that he would go straight to the Navy after getting his wings. So in reality he was flying a 146 with in reality not much more than a PPL.

      And my CO in Germany was his instructor at Cranwell.


      1. Didn’t the then Prince Charles also do 90 hours multi engine flying in a Basset followed by training in Gazelles and Wessexes with the Navy? Hardly ‘no other flying training’.


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