9 thoughts on “How it was in the 60s”

  1. John

    Greetings, always follow your ATC history postings with interest.

    Bill Pye (ex No 2 Cadet Course) has sent me the attached article from the States which, whilst largely of American interest, does pay passing reference to British innovation. May be of interest. https://simpleflying.com/the-evolution-of-air-traffic-control/

    Keep up the good work John, and best wishes to you.

    Kind regards,

    Peter Wilde ________________________________


  2. A non contributory pension scheme? I thought it was only the forces that were lucky enough to get that. Is it still the case or have NATS scrapped it?


    1. Don’t forget that in those days, the ATC staff were members of the civil service and civil servants always got a pension scheme which continued on after the CAA was formed in Jan 1975.
      It was ony after NATS was ‘privatised’ by the incoming Labour government after 1997 that the pension scheme was altered although those already on it remained on it.


  3. In November 1966 I think I started on about £500 a year at the start of my cadetship, but in December on my 19th Birthday it went up to about £650. For single cadets, rented accommodation allowances were laughable, one shilling (5p) a day once the more generous subsistence payments ceased after 30 days. A weeks bed, breakfast and evening meal in Bournemouth in November 1966 could be had for about £5.


  4. In 1971, I was an ATCA 2 at LATCC; I forget exactly what salary I was on but in September I started my ATCO Cadet course (No 23) and I remember my first pay notification in the pigeonhole when I arrived at the college being ‘£1132 plus OLW’ (outer London weighting); I got this because LATCC attracted OLW and I ‘marked time’ on that weighting until I finished the Cadet Course. We all got that ‘basic’ £1132 and like me, ex ATCAs from Heathrow and Gatwick got OLW too. I kept that ‘pay chit’ for years but I’ve now lost it.
    I recollect this wasn’t too different from my ATCA 2 salary, possibly marginally less.


  5. Has anybody got the ATCO Cadet pay scales for No.1 Cadet Course circa Feb 1962.


    Douglas A Rough No.1 Course 1962


  6. This seems about right. In 1971 as an ATCA III U/T I was pretty impressed to be earning around £579 a year and on a salary scale where I might reach £1,000 per year within 10 years


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